by Amanda

Past Influences On Contemporary Design

It is the nature of both history and fashion to repeat themselves! With fashion being such a creative and exciting sphere, and designers often looking to the past for inspiration, it is no surprise that time and again we see the looks of times gone by creeping into high fashion.

The same can most definitely be said for jewellery trends, with styles that are undoubtedly traceable to past jewellery designs, showing up all over the catwalks and sidewalks.

One of the most influential eras on jewellery trends in 2013 was the 1980's, which was defined by large pieces and a massive punk influence. It was known for its vivid and excessive use of jewellery, with an unashamedly brash collection of pieces that was not for the faint-hearted. With trendsetters like Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Princess Diana and the punks, it is no surprise that its jewellery made such a strong impact on the fashion world both past and present!

The punk look, in particular, was huge for the 2013 autumn season. Thick studs, metallic, tartan and leather - all mixed together to create a grungy but on-trend look. Choose the pieces carefully, and one can perfectly accessorize an elegant look with punk-style jewellery.

Another current style - again heavily influenced by the 80's - is loud, brightly coloured jewellery. The decade was notorious for its shameless use of neon, and all other 'should-be-avoided' colours! Think huge drop earrings with shocking pink insets, bold bangles in any shade of the luminescent rainbow and any (and all) other proudly loud jewellery pieces.

Fashion will never die! It is something that is around us always, and its styles and trends are something that we will always see and always be aware of. Jewellery is no different, and is hugely influenced by what has come before. Modern, contemporary jewellery fashions are influenced, born and designed by those who have looked to the past for their inspiration, and we drape ourselves in opulent luxury that harks back to another time!


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Circa 1980 | Modern | Leather | Bangles | Earrings

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