by Amanda

Silver Anniversary Gifts

The 25th year of marriage is known as the "Silver Anniversary" and is when silver gifts are traditionally given. This practice extends back to the the Middle Ages when life expectancy was very low and living long enough to celebrate 25 years of marriage was definitely a reason to celebrate. Friends and neighbours would present the couple with a garland of silver in celebration.

Silver jewellery remains one of the most popular gifts because it can be appropriate for men and women. From earrings to bracelets and necklaces to brooches, the gifts can be as lavish or frugal as one's budget allows for. Wedding rings may be reset if a couple is interested in renewing their vows, or an ornate silver jewellery box can be given in order to protect and store the couple's small possessions.

While sterling silver is both the traditional and modern anniversary gift for the 25th year of marriage, there are many options other than jewellery. Print a favourite photograph, or one from the couple's first year of marriage, and put this in a striking silver frame. Go the more practical route and select a silver vase, coasters, napkin rings, candlesticks or a platter, and if the couple both love wine, then consider an elegant corkscrew.

Most silver can be engraved so you can write a personal message, or just have the wedding date inscribed. Give the gift of time with a beautiful silver clock or wristwatch. For a more sentimental touch, you can buy a vintage piece that was hallmarked in the same year that the couple got married.

Spending a quarter of a century with the person that you love is something worth celebrating. Whether you choose to buy a silver wedding anniversary gift or not, make sure that your gift is meaningful. This is a special day where you can show appreciation for your partner and commemorate all the years spent together.

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